Bunga ini tidak hanya memberikan keindahan kelopaknya, tapi juga daun yang indah dengan berbagai warna ceria. Bunga Canna ini sempat menjadi bunga terindah di zaman Victoria


Bunga yang 'Jepang banget'... Pada saat mekar, pemandangan yang disajikan akan luar biasa. Warna yang paling indah dari bunga ini adalah putih dan pink. Bahkan pada saat jatuh dan terhampar di tanah, pemandangan yang disajikan oleh bunga ini akan sangat luar biasa.

Colorado Columbine

Bunga ini tumbuh di dataran tinggi Rocky Mountains, diatas ketinggian 14.000 kaki diatas tanah. Bunga ini akan menyapa anda begitu anda berhasil melewati ketinggian tersebut.


Indah sekali bukan? Bagaikan bola salju di musim gugur. Kelompok bunga yang berbentuk bintang dengan warna warna lembut pastel, menunjukkan kepolosan, dan sering muncul di buket pernikahan.

Lily of the Valley

Bunga ini muncul di musim semi di daerah empat musim. Bunga Lily of the Valley ini merupakan inspirasi dari beberapa legenda, misalnya legenda Nasrani yang mengatakan bahwa air mata Bunda Maria yang jatuh di Salib Yesus berubah menjadi bunga ini. Atau legenda yang mengatakan bahwa bunga ini muncul dari darah St. George yang berperang melawan seekor naga.

Calla Lily

Bunga cantik ini mempesona dan elegan, tapi jangan salah, ternyata bunga ini sangat beracun dan dapat membunuh anak kecil atau bahkan sappi jika tertelan!

Black Eyed Susan

Bunga abadi yang selalu tampil ceria. Bunga yang kontras dengna kelopak kuning dan bagian tengah yang gelap membuatnya tidak mudah untuk dilewati begitu saja.

Bleeding Heart

Bunga mungil yang indah seperti berasal dari dunia peri ini adalah bunga yang selalu dipilih untuk menghiasi taman yang teduh dan segar.

Blue Bells

Di musim semi, banyak sekali hutan di Eropa yang tiba-tiba seakan memiliki karpet berwarna ungu, yang tidak lain adalah bunga ini. Blue Bells dianggap melambangkan kesendirian dan penyesalan.


Bunga yang lembut dengan kelopak merah muda dan kuning, adalah magnet kupu-kupu. Semak bunga ini dapat tumbuh besar dan warna kelopaknya akan berubah sesuai dengan umur tanaman.


Mungkin bunga pertama yang akan dikenal oleh semua orang di Dunia. Simbol perasaan romantis dengan warna dan bau yang wangi, memberikan berbagai makna tersendiri bagi tiap warna mawar yang ada

Oriental Poppy

Bunga ini adalah bunga abadi, dengan bentuk yang lembut dan warna cerah mempesona. Setelah berkembang di musim semi, kelopaknya mati, tapi begitu hujan musim gugur datang, dan dan kelopak bunga ini akan kembali muncul

Mussaenda erythrophylla (Ashanti Blood, Red Flag Bush, Tropical Dogwood)

Bunga ini dikenal di daerah tropis, terutama Afrika Barat sampai ke Asia Tenggara dan Cina Selatan. Bunga ini tidak hanya indah, tapi juga pasti akan mengundang lebah madu, kupu-kupu bahkan burung kolibri.


Bunga ini pertama kali diperkenalkan di Inggris pada 1777. Dan sekarang menjadi salah satu bunga yang paling terkenal di Amerika. Begonia dikenal bukan hanya karena bunga-nya, tapi juga karena keindahan daunnya.


Dikenal juga sebagai Melati India Barat, sering digunakan dalam upacara agama Hindu India dan pengobatan tradisional India. Bunga yang merah menyala dengan dasar daun yang hijau memberikan kontras yang indah.

Nelumbo nucifera

Suatu spesies tanaman air perenial dari genus Nelumbo (lotus) yang berasal dari india.


Dendrobium adalah tipe anggrek tropis. Begitu berbunga, kelompok bunga yang ada selalu lembut dan terbentuk sempurna, sehingga tampak ajaib bagi penikmatnya.

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Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): A mercy to all creation The personality of Muhummed, it is most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes. There is Muhummed, the Prophet, there is Muhummed, the General; Muhummed, the King; Muhummed, the Warrior; Muhummed, the Businessman; Muhummed, the Preacher; Muhummed, the Philosopher; Muhummed, the Statesman; Muhummed, the Orator; Muhummed, the Reformer; Muhummed, the Refuge of Orphans; Muhummed, the Protector of slaves; Muhummed, the Emancipator of women; Muhummed, the Judge; Muhummed, the Saint. And in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero.
Orphanhood is the extreme of helplessness and his life upon this earth began with it. Kingship is the height of the material power and his life ended with it. From an orphan boy to a persecuted refugee and then to an overlord, spiritual as well as temporal, of a whole nation and Arbiter of its destinies, with all its trials and temptations, with all its vicissitudes and changes, its lights and shades, its up and downs, its terror and splendor, he has stood the fire of the world and came out unscathed to serve as a model in every face of life. His achievements are not limited to one aspect of life, but cover the whole field of human conditions. more...
MEN OF GOD: A Companion for families
MEN OF GOD: A Companion for families In every community of men wherever it may be or might have been in the past there have been individuals who have been providing guidance to the common members of the community as leaders, thinkers, reformers, teachers or sages. This is so because the common man is ever in need of guidance for leading a proper life both as an individual and as a member of the society amidst which he happens to be. Islam as a religion tells us that Almighty God has ever been sending guides for teaching men the proper way of life. These guides are called prophets. As matter of fact the first man created by Almighty God namely Adam was a Prophet which means that Almighty God made arrangements for the guidance of mankind before the human race as such came into existence on the surface of the Globe. The Holy Quran makes it clear that human race has never been left without Prophets to afford it proper guidance for leading a controlled life which may enable men not only to live a proper life in this world but also earn him eternal blissful life in the Hereafter.
When a machine is produced it is accompanied by a set of instructions for its use. An engineer is also commissioned to give a practical demonstration of how the machine functions. Man is an even more intricately designed but animated machine. more...
Holy Ramadan Guide/Handbook
Holy Ramadan Guide/Handbook The month of Ramadan is an opportunity given by the gracious Creator for His servants to come close to Him, seek forgiveness for their sins, and fulfillment of their needs. In the Holy Qur'an, amidst an important discussion on the month of Ramadan, the following ayat (verse), which apparently has no direct connection with Ramadan, is included: And when my servants ask you about me, then surely I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls upon me, so respond to me, and believe in me, so that they may be led right. (2:186) Commentators agree that this is the most poignant of all the verses on the Divine-human connection. The whole verse is based on the singular first person pronoun, which is repeated seven (7) times. It is a confirmation of the close relationship between man and His creator, and an assurance that he will be listened to when he calls upon Him.
That such a verse should be included among the ayats discussing the importance of Ramadan, and some of its rules (see 2:183-187), are an indication of the important role of Du'a in the month of Ramadan. Abstaining from fulfillment of physical desires stimulates an increase in spirituality, and creates an inclination for prayers and worship. more...
The Karbala: Story of sacrifice to save humanity from extinction
The Karbala: Story of sacrifice to save humanity from extinction Moharram, the first month of Islamic Calendar, brings along with it a feeling of great sadness and sorrow in the heart of every Muslim. It is a month in which we commemorate Imam Hussain's (pbuh) victory in martyrdom, a victory which has permanently preserved the true Islam till the Day of Judgment. Almighty God has called this a "Momentous Sacrifice" i.e. "Zibhin Aazeem" in Holy Quran, chapter As-Saffat (37:107). We are all forever indebted to Imam Hussain (pbuh) for his great sacrifice. Let us join together and commemorate this loss and learn from the example of Imam Hussain (pbuh). Do you know, what is the Tragedy of Karbala?
The Tragedy of Karbala is about one man, Hussain, who stood against oppression and sacrificed his life and the lives of his companions, his loved ones, his family, his children, including his 6-month-old baby, in the fight against injustice.
No man's death in the history of mankind has been commemorated for as long as 14 centuries, year after year, in the same way as Hussain's death. The message of Hussain at the battle Karbala is universal and applies to every day and age. Come and find out more about this great man and this great tragedy in history. more...
Death: A Beautiful Gift for a Believer
Death: A Beautiful Gift for a Believer Multitudes of men have walked on the surface of this Earth. They all belonged to different nations and cultures. A few of them made history for which they were remembered, whereas others were never to be mentioned again. Although each one was personally different from another - their habits, thinking and tastes differed - they all had two things in common, first, they were all delivered from their mothers womb (birth) and second, they all tasted death. Who claims he has lived a thousand years?
One thing that we must remember is that death is inevitable, and everything except the Almighty God of course, will perish. Signs of death can be seen all around us. At funerals we see people who were once walking among us being buried in their graves. In the fall we see the leaves turn from green to yellow and fall one at a time, and in the winter we see trees, lifeless. In this way, all things in this world will wither away and die.
Hatred towards death and love of the world is the outcome of an ignorant person's mind, who thinks that the happiness of this world is his prosperity and good fortune. The world beset with numerous troubles and anxieties is about to end in misery and does not enjoy eternity, perpetuity and sincerity. more...
Depression vs. Contentment: An Islamic Perspective
Depression vs. Contentment: An Islamic Perspective We all experience unhappiness and bereavement at some point in life time. Our faith and belief in Almighty God's will are usually enough to console and strengthen our sense of loss, grief or sadness. However as human beings we are prone to feelings of depression under serious and difficult circumstances. It has been said that depression affects up to 40% of people at some stage in their lives, and has been found to be more common in women than in men. Depression can seriously affect a person's daily life.
If you have grown tired of life, or wish to go someplace where you can be alone, or you are always nervous, stressed and gloomy, you are probably suffering from depression. One could expect such a person to be suffering from this 'illness' who is incapable of fulfilling his needs or a time has come in his life that he feels totally helpless and defeated, either as a result of an unfortunate death, a missed opportunity, a financial loss, persistent feeling of depravity, long-term illness, unnecessary negative thinking. This can invariably contribute towards feelings of jealousy, fear, cowardice, pessimism and insecurity. It is a pity though that today this 'illness' has become rampant at every level of society and its disastrous effects result in the form of all sorts of hideous crimes depending upon the circumstances and history of the sufferer. more...

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